Help For Care Guinea (

Islam is the main religion in Guinea and men are allowed to marry four women, children are often from these large polygamy families. Often the families cant afford to support the children so they end up on the streets doing manual work. These children are left with no one with no hopes or support. They are forced to go on the streets, join gang groups, go into prostitution etc. They live miserably.

When the children come to our care we cater for their well being and help build  them sustainable future. We show them love and support them with food, medication, schooling, shelter. We are also very concerned about their future of our children. Educating them well at our academy is very important to us so that when they grown beyond care age they will be equipped with knowledge and skills to have a healthy wealthy life.

We really have to trust and depend on God for guidance and provision, he has not let us down and continues to bless us with food and what we need to continue this work